
School                         : Junior  High School
Class / Semester         : Vlll / Even
Subject                       : Natural Science
Highlights                   : Light, Mirrors, and Lenses
Time Allocation         : 1 x 45 minutes 
A.   Competency Standards
Understand the concept and application of vibrations, waves and optics in everyday technology products. 
B.    Basic Competencies
Investigated the properties of  light and its relationship to various forms of mirrors and lenses. 
C.   Indicator
1.     Mention the properties of  light.
2.     Explaining the law of reflection.
3.     Describes the process of  formation and the properties mentioned in the shadow of plane mirrors, concave mirrors and convex mirrors.
4.     Explaining the law of refraction.
5.     Describes the process of  formation and properties of the shadow on the lens convex and concave lenses.

  1. Learning Objectives
Students can:
1.     Mention the properties of light propagation.
2.     Explain the law of light reflection.
3.     Describes the formation of a shadow on a flat mirror.
4.     Mentioned properties of the image formed by a flat mirror.
5.     Describes the formation of a shadow on the concave mirror.
6.     Mentioned properties of the image formed by a concave mirror.
7.     Describes the formation of a shadow on the convex mirror.
8.     Mentioned properties of the image formed by convex mirrors.
9.     Explain the law of refraction.
10. Describes the formation of a shadow on the convex lens.
11. Mentioned properties of the image formed by convex lenses.
12. Describes the formation of a shadow on the concave lens.
13. Mention the properties of the image formed by concave lenses.

  1. Learning Materials
Light, Mirrors, and Lenses 
F.    Model and Learning Method
1.    Model         :           Direct Interaction
- Cooperative Learning
2.   Methods    :           Lectures
G.   Learning Steps
Time Allocation
Activities Introduction
1.      Motivation and appreciation
§  Why we can see objects around us?
§  Why an object is illuminated with a beam cahayamembentuk shadow?
Core Activities
1.    Students with teacher reviewing the literature on the understanding of light, nature of light, and light reflection.
2.      Teacher-student conduct literature review tentan reflection of light by plane mirrors, concave mirrors and convex mirrors and shadow formation process.
3.      The teacher gives examples of how to paint a shadow formation using special rays on the plane mirror, concave mirror and convex mirror.
4.      Teachers guide students to determine the properties of the image produced by plane mirrors, concave mirrors and convex mirrors.
5.      The teacher explained about understanding the laws of refraction and refraction.
6.      Students with teacher reviewing the literature on the formation of a shadow on the lens convex and concave lenses.
7.      The teacher gives examples of how to paint with the formation of shadow to use your special rays on convex and concave lenses.
8.      Teachers guide students to determine the nature of the image produced by convex lenses and concave lenses.
30 minutes


Closing Activities
     1.  Students and teachers make a conclusion / summary of the study.
2.    The teacher gave a test to determine the absorption of the newly learned material.
10 minutes
  1. Learning Resources
Integrated science book for junior high school class Volume 2 Vlll Yudhishthira (Purwoko, et al.) Pp. 211-225. 
I.      Assessment of Learning Outcomes
1.     Assessment techniques: a written test
2.     Form of instruments: a multiple-choice and description
3.     Example instrument about:
      • A lens has a power of 2 diopters and 2.5 diopters. What is the focus of the lens?
      • An object is placed 15 cm in front of a convex lens that has the radius of curvature of 20 cm. Distance shadows and images forming properties are ...
c.      15 cm, the real
      • 15 cm, the virtual
      • 30 cm, the real
      • 30 cm, the virtual

Knowing,                                                                   Semarang, Oktober 10th,2011
Principal                                                                      Teacher Subject

M. Taufiq, M.Pd.                                                      ayu Irma kusuma wardani
NIP. ... ... ... ... ... ...                                                    NPM. 09330094 

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